When it comes to layout and marking, you need to be confident that your tools will enable you to pay attention to ever minute detail, ensuring craftsmanship of which you can be proud. Precision is key and you can guarantee it with the set square tools available at EMPIRE®.

True Blue® Combination Squares

Aluminium Rafter Square

Steel Framing Squares

Polycast® Rafter Squares

Combination Squares

True Blue® Framing Squares

True Blue® Rafter Squares

Polycast® Combination Squares

Brass Stair Gauges

Polysteel® Try Square

Polysteel® T-Bevel

True Blue® Try Square

True Blue® Stainless Steel T-Bevel

True Blue® Drywall Square
When it comes to layout and marking, you need to be confident that your tools will enable you to pay attention to ever minute detail, ensuring craftsmanship of which you can be proud. Precision is key and you can guarantee it with the set square tools available at EMPIRE®. Empire ® was founded in 1919 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, for over 100 years now we have specialised in productivity solutions crafted to deliver the ideal level of accuracy, durability and visibility. Trades in many corners of the globe trust us to supply them with spirit levels and layout tools that provide the professional results they want and stand the test of time. Browse across the range of tools and find what your team needs to get the job done to the best standard.